Thursday, April 4, 2013

Kitchen Gear: Coffee

I do love coffee, but I'm far from a purist. Coffee snobs are like wine snobs; they must tell you every note and how it is made and the best way to brew it.

I'm going to give you a quick review of my two coffee machines in my kitchen. 

Good ole Mr. Coffee. Traditional drip kind where you just put the water in, put some coffee in the filter and let it brew. This one is fancy because it lets you set a time to brew. Like before you get up. So its ready when you get out of bed. Happy dance right?

Well anyways, its dependable and makes good coffee. Just clean it with white vinegar every now and then and it will keep chugging along. My favorite coffee to use with it is...
Or for those of you in Texas (Amazon sells it as well)

Next up the the Keurig Single Cup 
Now I'm sure most of us have seen these. Basically you select a flavor of coffee, place the k-cup in the machine and hit brew. Now it is by far not the best cup of coffee you will have ever had, but there are a few instances where it works quite well. 

1. When you have a ton of family in the house that all drink coffee at different times. Dad in the morning, Mom and lunch, Grandma at dinner and Brother all day long. I don't like to leave my Mr. Coffee on all day so this works out well. Everyone gets a fresh cup when they want it. They also can have a choice of different flavors depending on what you got at the store. 

2. When you forgot to set the Mr. Coffee and are running out the door late to work. It brews in about 30 seconds. 
Overall I like the K-cups. They have lots of flavors to choose from and offer tea and hot chocolate as well. Two things to keep in mind
1. It will cost more than a lb of ground coffee
2. Some K-Cups are instant coffee not grounds like in the above picture.
To offset the cost, some people buy a reusable cup and fill with their own coffee. My own experience is that it doesn't make the coffee strong enough and if I'm going through the trouble to fill my own k-cup, I might as well use Mr. Coffee. 

Get yourself a great mug and enjoy an afternoon cup of java!

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