Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Balsamic Vinigar Reduction

First off this isn't really low carb unless you use a tiny amount. Reducing the Balsamic Vinegar concentrates the sugar/carbs making higher per serving. For example if 1 T has 5g of carbs in it, when reduced by half or more, 1 T will have 10+ g of carbs.

This is good however for Whole30. You can use it to spice up a salad dressing, veggies or meat. Its also possible to infuse the vinegar before reduction with fruit or spices such as ginger or garlic. Since this was spur of the moment, I just used regular Balsamic Vinegar.

First put a frying pan over medium low heat and pour desired amount in. You can put a little EVOO or coconut oil in first to make the reduction not stick to the pan.

As it reduces you will see steam coming off. It can get kind strong smelling so be sure to use a vent or a window.

This is it about halfway reduced. It was starting to get thick so I went ahead and ate it. I was really hungry. Usually I will reduce it until it has a syrupy consistency. This was not quite there.
I poured about a Tablespoon over the pork chop and green beans. A little goes a long way here. 

This glaze is an easy solution to adding depth to any meal. I specifically use it on chicken and pork left overs. It seems to make the meat less dry after microwaving it. It really helped the left over green beans too.  

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