Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 1st and a blog fail

After deleting all of my posts I was able to recover all but one. This one. I'm just going to hit the highlights of that post. Mainly it was about my Cod, Asparagus and Shrimp Caesar Salad meal. So here it goes...

Fried Eggs over Sausage 

We had this for lunch and its a really good quick low carb meal. Lots of adjectives does not a fancy meal make. Basically fry up some sausage patties in one pan. Fry up some eggs in another pan. Put sausage patties on a plate and dump a fried egg on top. Viola! The sausage acts like bread and soaks up all of the egg creating the perfect storm... for your mouth. 

Cod and Asparagus

Sam's Club Cod 
These Cod are individually wrapped and are well portioned. I usually cook two for me and 3 for my husband. Turtles and Green Beans don't like anything from the sea. Just lay them out on a lined  cookie sheet and sprinkle some olive oil over the fish. You can use any spices you would like or even use almond flour/bread crumbs and parmesan cheese. I like to use Tone's Citrus Grill with a dash of sea salt
Cook the cod at 400 degrees for 22-25 minutes. Optional: squeeze some lemon over the cod before serving.


If you want to roast these with the cod just place them on their own lined pan with some olive oil and spices. They may be done before the cod depending on thickness and how well done you want them so keep an eye  on them or a separate timer. I decided to sautee mine. I used a pad of butter and melted it with a tablespoon of crushed garlic. I cut the bottom 1/3 off the asparagus since I don't like the ends but you can cook them whole. Once the butter had melted i threw the asparagus in and tossed them to make sure they got equally covered. I then sprinkled some sea salt, black pepper and onion powder over them. I let them cook for about 15 minutes until they were nice and tender. Turtles and Green Beans chowed down on these too.

Shrimp Caesar Salad 

Shrimp is really popular between my husband and I. I like to keep a bag in the freezer so I can add them into dishes. I was feeling very uninspired by the Cod and Asparagus but a shrimp Caesar salad sounded awesome. And it was!
Defrost the shrimp under running water. I did about 6 per person.  Heat some butter and crushed garlic in a frying pan. Pull the shells off the the shrimp and take the tails off. Put them in the frying pan for about 4 minutes, 2 on each side. They will turn pink and should be warm throughout. Dice into 3 pieces a shrimp or keep whole. Set aside.

Cut up about one heart of romaine per person. Add whatever salad veggies you have on hand. I used English cucumbers, a red bell pepper and cherry tomatoes.  Add shrimp and caesar dressing, mix and serve. You can add some shredded parmesan cheese and croutons (not LC) too.

This dish is fancy enough to serve to guest and easy enough for a weeknight. That kind of combo gets a...
Happy Dance!

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