Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Some Real Cowgirl Boots and West Texas Style

So now that I am a Texan it is time to start dressing like one right? 
Rhinestone Jeans
Before you worry, rhinestone jeans shall never touch my butt. Just so so wrong. Here in West Texas pretty much anything goes because 1. Its hot, 2. Its hotter and 3. There are people from all over the country working the oil fields so the "Texas Fashion" gets diluted. I also live in a metropolitan area of 200,000 people so its not like I'm really all that country. So long story short I'm going to wear whatever I want and what Dillard's has on sale.

Mother/ Daughter New Cowgirl Boots 
That being said, I had to buy cowgirl boots because I needed them for a friend's wedding. We are wearing these navy blue lace dresses with boots.

This whole look was not made for my mother of two build, but we do what we need to do for our friends. Even if I never wear the dress again, I will wear the boots again. I got Ariat boots since they came highly recommend by everyone I talked to. Plus they were some of the cheapest I came across so win win. While out shopping I came across some kids boots on sale. Green Beans tried them on and wouldn't take them off. She had outgrown her Payless boots so I went ahead and got her some real leather boots. Turtles will be able to wear them next so I feel like it was worth the investment of $39. Plus they will look super cute with the outfits my mom picked out for Auntie MJ's Bonanza rehearsal dinner.

Poor Turtles will be wearing something other than boots since her foot is so hard to size.
Welcome to the Fred Flintstones Foot Club Turtles

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