Monday, August 22, 2016

Working Out with Barre3

With my 4th pregnancy I was diagnosed with pre-eclamsia. This means I had over 20lbs of water retained, was on hospital bed rest, and finally ended up delivering 7 weeks early. Thankfully baby girl is a-ok, but my body took a big hit.
Feet should not look like this
I am now 2 months post-partum. Time to start working on the core, arms, legs, butt...oh everything.

No. No I don't Anna. Thanks for asking. But since I am an adult, with 4 dependents, I better get in shape. In come Barre3. I had tried home exercising programs in the past, but they always get boring. With Barre3, there are new workouts posted every week! Yes, e.v.e.r.y. week. 

The best part of Barre3 is that they have 10 minute workouts. They even encourage doing 10 minutes. So I have challenged myself to do 10 minutes every day. This will help me get in the habit of making time everyday. Hopefully it will help jump start my weight loss, build up some strength and help me be consistent. 

I'll do a more in-depth  post once I have done more than 5 workouts. But so far I am enjoying it (and dying). 

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