Monday, May 13, 2013

Another Whole30 Catch up: Days 23, 24, 25,26, 27, 28 and 29

Well we have already planned out our 2nd Whole30 and I'm already doing recipe planning for it so please forgive the lack of blogging and originality in this post.  I'm determined to make Bora Bora Fireballs next time, so if you try them out let me know how they were!

Also, I'm packing up to go to Mj's wedding so I did a preview for today (28) and tomorrow (29). Traveling on day 30 will be a challenge so I'll write a post when I get to my final destination to let you know how it goes :)

Breakfast: Coffee and Orange
Lunch: Leftover Beef and Broccoli
Dinner: Chicken Legs with Italian Seasoning


Breakfast: Bullet Coffee and fried eggs
Lunch : Leftover Chicken Legs
Dinner: Pork Chops with sauteed Squash and bell peppers


Breakfast: Coffee and veggie omelet
Lunch: Leftover Pork Chops and Squash
Dinner: Steak and Eggs


Breakfast:Eggs and Salsa
Lunch: Leftover Steak and Salad
Dinner: Spaghetti with grey squash


Breakfast: Eggs and Salsa in bed for mother's day
Lunch: Leftover spaghetti
Dinner: Steak and baked sweet potatoes

Breakfast: Eggs and Strawberries
Lunch: Leftover Steak and Sweet Potatoes
Dinner: Really Good Chicken and Asparagus

Breakfast: TBD
Lunch: Leftover Chicken
Dinner: Pork Chops with baked squash and zucchini (attempting a Paleo squash casserole)

Getting Ready to Fly with Two Kids by Myself 

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